無料ネットショップ作成サービス「BASE(ベイス)」がこの夏、複数の街で同時開催するイベント「WEEKEND BASE」。渋谷ヒカリエ8/01/COURT会場のテーマは「飾らない、暮らし」です。
BASE, an ecommerce solution that allows anyone to build and run their shop completely free, is hosting an event called "WEEKEND BASE" this coming summer at various cities around Japan.
The theme for Shibuya Hikarie 8/01/COURT is "A Simple, Minimal Life". When we look back at our Interiors, Kitchen Items, Bags, Accessories, etc. we notice that what we really want is a simple, minimal item without any ostentation. BASE will be hosting a 2 day popup store with curated simple item to fit your everyday life.