はたらく大人の文化祭 MOV市は、Creative Lounge MOVのメンバーたちが主催となって来場者をおもてなしする、1日限りのお祭りです。
MOV市 公式サイト➡https://mov-ichi.com/
はたらく大人の文化祭『MOV市』は、Creative Lounge MOVの利用者であるMOVメンバーが主体となって開催する、コワーキングスペースとしては他に類を見ないイベントです。業種や年代、国籍もさまざまなMOVメンバーが、自身の働き方や生き方をコンテンツにブースを展開します。MOV市限定のショップ、占い、ポートレートを撮ってもらえる写真館といったブースに加え、ピッチイベント、楽しく学ぶ数学のセミナー、工作のワークショップ、など様々なコンテンツが楽しめるお祭りとなっています。
MOV-ichi, a cultural festival for working adults, is an event unlike any other coworking space, held mainly by MOV members who are users of Creative Lounge MOV. MOV members of all ages and nationalities set up booths based on their own ways of work and lifestyle, and in addition to booths such as the MOV-ichi exclusive shop, fortune telling, and a photo studio where you can have your portrait taken, there are also pitch events, fun maths seminars, craft workshops, and much more.
This will be eighth event held so far have not only introduced many people to the diversity of MOV members, but have also created meaningful opportunities for new collaborations between exhibitors and visitors. The most unique part of the event was the communication with the experts = MOV members, who have created their work by doing what they love and what they are good at. We invite you to visit the exhibition and talk to the many exhibitors.