日本では、ワタリウム美術館、キャノンアートラボなどで観客とのインタラクティブな作品を発表、2003年には越後妻有アートトリエンナーレの川西エリアにサンレコーダーを設置。これは3年間のこの地における日照時間を計測して保管するもので、客観的事実の記録を通してパターンがみえてくるといいます。さらに2012年の芸術祭では信濃川流域で感じた水やその波動に着目し、水槽に入った水の波紋が周波数の変化を受けてスクリーンに投影される作品 Wellenwanne LFO をつくり、これは現在、里山現代美術館 [キナーレ]の常設作品として見ることができます。周波数の変動により変化する波紋が鏡に反射して映し出されるプロセスは、作家の言葉を借りれば「無作為の行為」であり、そういった無作為をコントロールしたり分析したりすることが可能なのか、問い続けながら次々と新しい作品を生み出しています。昨年文化庁のメディア芸術祭にてアート部門大賞を受賞し注目されたのは記憶に新しいことといえるでしょう。
今回の展示は、bausatz noto ∞ - color vinyl display, 1998/2015 を中心に展示します。アーティストによって作成されたレコードと4台のターンテーブルがセットになっており、回転速度を変えたりしながら同時にエンドレスにループで再生される音を観客は聞くことができます。4つのレコードを組み合わせることで音のパターンは無限大の組み合わせが あり、作品そのものが音楽を作り出す装置でもあります。音楽とアートの2つの世界で活躍するこの作家の代表的な作品であるともいえます。もともとは1998年に発表されている作品ですが、今回はその新作のカラーバージョンとなります。
Carsten Nicolai was born in 1965 in Karl-Marx-Stadt in former East Germany. At university he majoured in landscape architecture. After graduation Nicolai worked in urban design, but in the ‘90s branched out as an artist in Berlin. His talents were soon recognised and he was exhibited at Documenta X at Kassel in 1997. He has since exhibited at many venues in Europe and the USA, but he has also become known as an electronic musician, under the name of Alva Noto. He has extended his sound vocabulary to include noises from a fax machine or a computer mouse. He defines art freely in the territory between the visual and the aural.
Carsten Nicolai began his career in Japan in some interactive works with the audience in Watari-um and Canon Artlab. In 2003, he installed a sun-recorder in Kawanishi for the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, which measured rays over three full years. His aim was to find a pattern in his record of objective facts. For the 2012 Triennale he focused on the theme of water, creating a work entitled Wallenwanne LFO which was set up in a valley adjacent to the Shinano river. Ripples on the surface of a water tank were projected onto a screen, altering according to changes in wavelength. This piece has entered the permanent collection of the Echigo-Tsumari Satoyama Museum of Contemporary Art, KINARE. The process of projecting waves based on frequency, as reflected on a mirror was, in the artist’s words, a ‘random act’. Nicolai constantly questions whether it is possible to control and analyse ‘randomness’.
Last year, he was awarded Grand Prize in the Digital Arts category at the Japan Media Arts Festival, organised by Agency for Cultural Affairs.
Our exhibition at HIKARIE centres on a work entitled bausatz noto ∞ - color vinyl display, 1998/2015. It is made up of records produced by the artist and played on four turntables. Audiences listen to the sounds produced as the turntables run simulteneously but change their play speeds, in endless loups. Such pattens of the sound-combinations are infinite, and this work is a device to create music out of this. It is a representative piece from an artist who bridges the two worlds of music and visual art. The piece was originally presented in 1998 but is now reworked in colour, and shown in Japan.
Carsten Nicolai was born in 1965 in Karl-Marx-Stadt in former East Germany. At university he majoured in landscape architecture. After graduation Nicolai worked in urban design, but in the ‘90s branched out as an artist in Berlin. His talents were soon recognised and he was exhibited at Documenta X at Kassel in 1997. He has since exhibited at many venues in Europe and the USA, but he has also become known as an electronic musician, under the name of Alva Noto. He has extended his sound vocabulary to include noises from a fax machine or a computer mouse. He defines art freely in the territory between the visual and the aural.