

Hikarie Contemporary Art Eye vol.4「アウトサイダーアートの地平」

アーティスト: James Castle, Michel Dave, Johann Fischer, Madge Gill, Franz Kernbeis, Donald Mitchell , J.B. Murray, 成瀬麻紀子 , Heinrich Reisenbauer, 坂上チユキ, Harald Stoffes, Oswald Tschirtner, 山本純子, August Walla, Anna Zemánková

会 期 2016年5月24日(火) - 2016年6月 5日(日)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00
場 所 8/CUBE
料 金 入場無料
主 催 小山登美夫ギャラリー
協力:MEM, 小出由紀子事務所


Horizon of Outsider Art 
 The Hikarie Contemporary Art Eye series features galleries and individuals who explore the Japanese art scene with fresh perspectives.
Titled as “Horizon of Outsider Art”, the forth exhibition of the series is presented by Tomio Koyama Gallery with collaboration of Yukiko Koide Presents and MEM.  
When one says, “I like Outsider Art!”, it is suggested that all Outsider Art as a genre is wonderful without exception. However, as in “Insider Art”, which is defined by the established frame of art, there are great ones as art, and not so great ones. Although the boundary between “in” and “out” is always unclear, this exhibition goes beyond and explores to see a wide world of Outsider Art. The artists of Outsider Art bring up a fundamental question: what does it means to draw, paint, and create for humans?
- Tomio Koyama