

前澤心太郎展 ―絵画を飛び越える―Shintaro Maezawa Exhibition
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会 期 2022年6月23日(木) - 2022年6月29日(水)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00
場 所 CUBE 1, 2, 3
料 金 無料
主 催 前澤心太郎展


This is the first solo exhibition in four years. Maezawa's work is composed of simple shapes such as lines and dots, which are created by the color plane. One of the features is that the screen is divided into two parts. This creates a different painting space for each of his works. By creating a different world on one screen, a contrast is created, giving the screen a sense of tension.
And while the screen looks like a print at first glance, it's not. Layers of paint are scraped and polished to finish. The unique matiere, which is smooth and shiny, fascinates the viewer.
Please take this opportunity to appreciate it.
前澤 心太郎 Maezawa Shintaro
1974     栃木県生まれ 栃木市在住
1998     宇都宮文星短期大学 油画専攻卒
1999~2003  文星芸術大学 油画コース助手
2007 K’sGallery 東京
2008 K’sGallery  東京
2009 K’sGallery  東京
   小野画廊京橋 東京
2010 K’sGallery  東京
   ギャラリー・イン・ザ・ブルー 栃木
2016 K’sGallery 東京
2017 K’sGallery (6月、11月)東京
2018 K’sGallery 東京
2007 ギリギリ展  K’sGallery  東京 
2008 ギリギリ展   K’sGallery 東京
2009 ARTFILE Exhibition  K’sGallery 東京
 第5回あおぞらDEアート K’sGallery 東京
2011 15人の表現者たち展   K’sGallery 東京
 Aile展       DATIAN ART 上海
2012 東北震災チャリティ展  K’sGallery  東京
 TokyoArtFile展     GALLERY DEN  (ベルリン)
 ArtFileExhibition Vol・12 K’sGallery    (東京)
 15人の表現者たち展     K’sGallery     (東京)
2014  16人の表現者たち展   K’sGallery      (東京)
 WILLこれからの15年に向かって  アートコンプレックスセンター   (東京)
2015 あおぞら DE アート同窓会展 K’sGallery 東京 
2018 前澤心太郎 若林奈穂 鹿取美希 展    飯田弥生美術館ギャラリー (東京)
2019 Independent Tokyo 2019
2020 Independent Tokyo 2020
2004 第14回ARTBOX大賞展 (入選)
2005 第1回世界絵画堂大賞展 (YES展部門・YES賞)
2006 第16回ARTBOX大賞展 (賞候補) 
2007  第5回池田満寿夫記念芸術賞  (準入選)
2008 第4回世界絵画大賞展    (ファーバーカステル賞)
2018 第35回FUKUIサムホール美術展   (佳作)         
2019 アートオリンピア2019   (佳作) 
Shintaro Maezawa 
1974 Born in Tochigi Prefecture, lives in Tochigi City
1998 Graduated from Utsunomiya Bunsei Junior College, Department of Oil Painting
1999-2003 Bunsei University of Art  Oil Painting Course Assistant
Solo exhibition
2007 K's Gallery Tokyo
2008 K's Gallery Tokyo
2009 K's Gallery Tokyo
Ono Gallery Kyobashi Tokyo
2010 K's Gallery Tokyo
Gallery in the Blue Tochigi
2016 K's Gallery Tokyo
2017 K's Gallery (June, November) Tokyo
2018 K's Gallery Tokyo
Group exhibition
2007 Barely Exhibition K's Gallery Tokyo
2008 Barely Exhibition K's Gallery Tokyo
2009 ARTFILE Exhibition K's Gallery Tokyo
5th Aozora DE Art K's Gallery Tokyo
2011 15 artists exhibition K's Gallery Tokyo
Aile Exhibition DATIAN ART Shanghai
2012 Tohoku Earthquake Charity Exhibition K's Gallery Tokyo
Tokyo Art File Exhibition GALLERY DEN (Berlin)
ArtFileExhibition Vol.12 K's Gallery (Tokyo)
Exhibition of 15 artists K's Gallery (Tokyo)
2014 16 artists exhibition K's Gallery (Tokyo)
WILL For the next 15 years His Art Complex Center (Tokyo)
2015 Aozora DE Art Alumni Exhibition K's Gallery Tokyo
2018 Shintaro Maezawa, Naho Wakabayashi, Miki Katori Exhibition, Yayoi Iida Museum Gallery (Tokyo)
Art festival
2019 Independent Tokyo 2019
2020 Independent Tokyo 2020
Award history
2004 14th ARTBOX Grand Prize Exhibition (selected)
2005 1st World Painting Hall Grand Prize Exhibition (YES Exhibition Category, YES Award)
2006 16th ARTBOX Grand Prize Exhibition (Prize Candidate)
2007 5th Masuo Ikeda Memorial Art Award (semi-selected)
2008 4th World Painting Awards Exhibition (Faber-Castell Award)
2018 35th FUKUI Sam Hall Art Exhibition (Honorable Mention)
2019 Art Olympia 2019 (Honorable Mention)