

せつはやと 作品展「From the Travel !」Supported by ロゼ活

せつはやと Hayato Setsu

会 期 2024年6月13日(木) - 2024年6月23日(日)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00※最終日は17:30まで 
6/21 イベント「ロゼワインナイト」開催予定
場 所 8/CUBE 1, 2, 3
料 金 入場無料
主 催 せつはやと 公式ウェブサイト
旅行画家 せつはやと が、世界各地の「旅から」を描く。旅のスクラップブックも展示。
「ロゼ活」提供のロゼワインを楽しみながら旅気分。Open your Travel !
そんな「From the Travel!」を展示します。
Open your Travel!
I want to paint inspiration of "From the Travel".
The work with the theme of "memory" and "overlap" of the travel is the reality of my "From the Travel". I will exhibit that.
Since my traveling around the world in 2002, I have been making travel scrapbooks. I hand-make the book, write what I thought during the travel, sketch, paste various things. I collage the travel.
The memories of the travel become more and more ambiguous as the days go by.
Sometimes It mixes with other memories, and the time is reversed.
I think that such "overwritten and ambiguous memories" are the true memories of the travel.
The reason why I paint by pasting and over-paint is because I want to express it.
On this exhibition, I also sell goods designed with the motif of travel.
Scrap books of the travels are also on display and you can read.
At the venue, you can enjoy Rose wine that goes well with summer with the support of the "Rose Katsu" project.
On this exhibition, I am very glad that you feel looking back on your memories of travel, and you want to go travel again.
6/21 トークショウ「ロゼワインナイト」開催予定。
詳細は公式サイトで https://overlap-of-the-memories.themedia.jp
せつはやと Hayato Setsu
旅行画家 フリーランスデザイナー・アドバイザー
帰国後、ニフティ株式会社に入社、会社員の傍ら作品を作り続け、2013年 旅の書店 青山「BOOK246」で初展示。
2014年 ブランドデザインと、オープンイノベーションの責任者に。その仕事経験が、画家活動に大きく影響。
2019年 ライフシフト、会社勤めをやめ もういちど世界一周に。
2020年より本格的に画家活動を開始、渋谷ヒカリエ /8 で、個展を開催。以降 毎年「#シブロゼ」の後援で開催。
Traveling Painter, Designer. 
Born in Osaka in 1972 and raised in Shonan.
Graduated from Musashino Art University
2002 'If you quit job, 365 days become holidays!' Traveling around the world trip. Tour Asia, Europe, South America, Caribbean, North America and Oceania in 1 year. While traveling days, collage collected printed papers from various places, and sketch pictures.
2003 Returning to Japan, Joined NIFTY Corporation. While working as an in-house designer, I continues to create collage works on the theme of travel as a personal creative activity.
2013 First exhibition of collage works at BOOK246 (Aoyama, Tokyo)
2019 Around the world trip again !  Short term 3 months.
2020 Started painter activity in earnest. Solo Exhibition at Hikarie /8 (Shibuya, Tokyo),Since then, it has been held every year with the support of #Shibu-Rose.
I am actively planning exhibitions outside of the exhibition facility, including Panasonic Holdings (office), Cycad Brewing (brew pub), and Caliquors Tokyo (liquor store).