

A Piece of Gold

会 期 2025年2月17日(月) - 2025年2月26日(水)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00 ※初日は12:00オープン、最終日は18:00まで、 2/17(月)17:00ー20:00にレセプションとトークショーを開催します。
場 所 8/CUBE1,2,3
料 金 入場無料
主 催 Anyhow

A Piece of Gold は、金という素材を通してデザインの真価を問うプロジェクトです。デザインの新たな解釈と未来を探る場となることを願っています。

「A Piece of Gold」展は、金を単に装飾品や投資対象として捉えるのではなく、その希少化が孕む問題に対する解決策をデザインの力に探ります。デザイナーが金の素材特性を活かし、そこに創意工夫を行うとき、この限りある資源の可能性をどのように広げることができるのでしょうか?業界の域を超えた横断的な対話を通じて、本プロジェクトがデザインの新たな解釈と未来を探る場となることを願っています。本展は、国内外のデザイナー約20名のデザインが一堂に集まり、作品を購入できる貴重な機会です。
A Piece of Gold is a project to explore the true value of design through gold, a material that particularly requires a strong power of design. Launched in 2023 by design house Anyhow and jewellery designer Ami Masamitsu, it seeks to examine what design truly is by shedding light on skills and creativity of designers who work with gold from interdisciplinary perspectives. 
Gold is one of the world’s most alluring materials in human history. Its gleam, eternal value and high malleability have always attracted humans from ancient times to the present, producing countless fascinating stories. It also serves as a mirror that reflects current affairs. Its price soars during economic downturns and high geopolitical risks. And today, it is expected to become even more scarce in the future. When designers work with gold under these circumstances, their skills and creativity are being increasingly tested.
A Piece of Gold exhibition does not merely see gold as luxury adornments or an investment, but instead it attempts to find answers and solutions to the challenges arising from the gold’s scarcity in the power of design. How can the potential of this finite resource be expanded when designers skilfully take advantage of its unique characters and add their ingenuity to their creations? The project seeks to be a platform to explore new appreciation of design and the future of design through cross-boundary conversations. This exhibition brings together over 20 international desginers and offers a rare opportunity to purchase their work.
Ami Masamitsu
Christopher Thompson Royds
Daigo Ohmura
Dan Tomimatsu
Etsuko Sonobe
Haruko Kurihara
Hongxia Wang 
Karin Johansson
Kensaku Oshiro
Kim Buck
Lin Cheung
Louis Tamlyn
Lucie Gledhill
Marc Monzo
Mari Kobayashi
Marta Boan
Sayumi Yokouchi
Scarlett Zhang
Simon Taylor

